Do you make too much to feel this broke?

Do you make too much to feel this broke?
As a financial coach, I hear this often when a client is frustrated that they “make good money” or “work too hard” to feel this broke, not have enough to make ends meet, or do the things they want to do.
If this is you, know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE and that there is hope for you and your family. More than half of Americans report that they live paycheck to paycheck. If they missed one paycheck, they are not sure what they would do. 
This is no way to live. 
God has so much more for us. 
He didn’t create us to be constantly working, in debt, and afraid. 
And yet stress, fear, guilt, shame are all too common emotions of my clients.
Although every situation is different and there is no “one size fits all solution” out there for everyone, I do have two simple tips that I pretty much share with ALL of my clients to put them on the road to a better future.
Now before I share them with you, I want you to reread what I said- 2 SIMLE TIPS…. Not 2 easy solutions or quick fixes. 
Simple isn’t always easy.
It’s like losing weight, we all know we need to do but we just don’t because… well it’s not easy and it’s not always pleasant.
The first thing I am sure that you have heard of and maybe even tried before, and that is to live on a BUDGETt…
The second thing is that we need to either increase our income, decrease our spending or better yet both.
Now as I mentioned these may be simple but not always easy to accomplish or stay consistent. If you have every found making a budget difficult, struggled following a budget or maybe just the thought of creating a budget is overwhelming to you- I encourage you to not give up. 

I offer some Budget Building Basics in this video:
Once we know how much money we bring in each month and exactly where it has been going, we can begin to identify the changes that we need to make to reach our goals. A budget is simply (there’s that word again) a plan YOU make that tells your money where you want it to go.
Figuring out YOUR path is never easy, I invite you to join my free Facebook group MOMS OF FAITH: DEBT FREE & BEYOND We are a like-minded community on a journey to take control of our finances and take control of our lives!
Want more help?  
I am on a mission to help people create a legacy for their families: