What is Financial Freedom?

What is Financial Freedom?

Financial freedom is a goal. A goal that I believe IS ATTAINABLE BY EVERYONE READING THIS.
It will also look different for everyone because financial freedom is personal. 
For some it may mean retiring early and traveling the world, for others


Do you make too much to feel this broke?

Do you make too much to feel this broke?
As a financial coach, I hear this often when a client is frustrated that they “make good money” or “work too hard” to feel this broke, not have enough to make ends meet, or do the things they want to do.
If this is you, know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE and that there is hope for you and your family. More than half of Americans report that they live paycheck to paycheck. If they missed one paycheck, they are not sure what they would do. 
This is no way to live. 
God has so much more for us. 
He didn’t create us to be constantly working, in debt, and afraid. 
And yet stress, fear, guilt, shame are all too common emotions of my clients.
Although every situation is different 


Finding Your Financial Freedom

Finding Your Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is a goal. A goal I believe is attainable by everyone reading this. It will also look different for everyone because financial freedom is personal.