Continuing the Journey... Beyond FPU
I shared in a previous post about my family's journey that began with Financial Peace University, which is now part of Ramsey+.  I have had the privilege to start that journey with many families over the years. 

The course walks you through the 7 Baby Steps and educates you on many topics that directly affect your financial health and protecting your family.  Even with "gazelle intensity" sometimes those baby steps are so little... it takes time. 

What are the 7 Baby Steps? .... I am glad you asked!!

Baby Step 1: Save $1000 starter emergency fund
Baby Step 2: Pay off all non-mortgage debt
Baby Step 3: Fully fund your 3-6 month emergency fund
Baby Step 4: Save for retirement
Baby Step 5: Save for children's education (I often call this the optional one)
Baby Step 6: Pay off your home early (this is where my family is at as off today)
Baby Step 7: Build wealth and give (THE GOAL!! ask me why money isn't "bad"- I dare you)

But I have come to notice... when someone graduates FPU they are often still on baby step one, sometimes baby step 2.... and I wonder if they did what my family did and that was take a few steps forwards then a step back and they go down a bunny trail then get back on course and repeat... you get the idea. 

Financial Peace University is an AMAZING program- all of my financial coaching clients who have gone through it have a jump start on their journey!!

But people are creatures of habit and do so much better with ACCOUNTABILITY and some who will WALK THE JOURNEY WITH THEM.

Learn more about what financial coaching looks and how it can help YOU! 

as always if you are not already a part of my
 MOMS OF FAITH: DEBT FREE & BEYOND community- Join today!!


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