You Need an Emergency Binder
 If you're a mom, you know that parenting is a full-time job. And, just like any other job, it comes with its fair share of emergencies. From spilled milk to lost homework, there's always something that needs your attention—and fast. That's why every mom needs an emergency binder.

What is an emergency binder, you ask? It's a binder full of important information that you may need in a pinch. Things like your child's medical information, contact information for their teacher, and a list of your family's allergies. 

Basically, it's a one-stop shop for all the things that you might need in an emergency situation. 

Why do you need an emergency binder? Well, think about it this way: would you rather spend precious minutes rummaging through your child's backpack for their medical form or have it right at your fingertips? In an emergency, every second counts—so having all of the information that you need in one place can be a real lifesaver. 

So, what should you include in your emergency binder? Here's a quick list to get you started: 
-Your child's medical information (including immunizations)
-A list of your family's allergies
-Contact information for your child's teacher(s)
-A copy of your child's birth certificate and/or passport (if you have one)
-An up-to-date photo of your child
-Any relevant insurance information

Of course, this is just a starting point—you'll want to tailor the contents of your emergency binder to fit your family's specific needs. Below is an emergency binder checklist you can grab for a more complete list.
But once you have all of the essentials gathered together, you'll be glad you did—trust me!

Moms are always prepared for anything—but sometimes, even the best laid plans can go awry. That's why every mom needs an emergency binder. A binder full of important information that you may need in a pinch, like your child's medical information or contact information for their teacher. So next time there's an emergency, you'll be glad you're prepared.

Grab a copy of my FREE Emergency Binder Checklist
The Emergency Binder Checklist outlines the sections to set up an emergency binder and identifies the items/information you will want to include in each of those sections.
Get a copy HERE!! 


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