Do you make too much to feel this broke?

Do you make too much to feel this broke?
As a financial coach, I hear this often when a client is frustrated that they “make good money” or “work too hard” to feel this broke, not have enough to make ends meet, or do the things they want to do.
If this is you, know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE and that there is hope for you and your family. More than half of Americans report that they live paycheck to paycheck. If they missed one paycheck, they are not sure what they would do. 
This is no way to live. 
God has so much more for us. 
He didn’t create us to be constantly working, in debt, and afraid. 
And yet stress, fear, guilt, shame are all too common emotions of my clients.
Although every situation is different 


Continuing the Journey... Beyond FPU

Continuing the Journey... Beyond FPU
I shared in a previous post about my family's journey that began with Financial Peace University, which is now part of Ramsey+.  I have had the privilege to start that journey with many families over the years. 

The course walks you through the 7 Baby Steps and educates you on many topics that directly affect your financial health and protecting your family.  Even with "gazelle intensity" sometimes those baby steps are so little... it takes time. 

What are the 7 Baby Steps? .... I am glad you asked!!

Baby Step 1: Save $1000 starter emergency fund
Baby Step 2: Pay off all non-mortgage debt
Baby Step 3: Fully fund your 3-6 month emergency fund
Baby Step 4: Save for retirement
Baby Step 5: Save for children's education (I often call this the optional one)
Baby Step 6: Pay off your home early (this is where my family is at as off today)
Baby Step 7: Build wealth and give (THE GOAL!! ask me why money isn't "bad"- I dare you)

But I have come to notice... when someone graduates FPU they are often still on baby step one, sometimes baby step 2.... and I wonder if they did what my family did and that was take a few steps forwards then a step back and they go down a bunny trail then get back on course and repeat... you get the idea. 

Financial Peace University is an AMAZING program- all of my financial coaching clients who have gone through it have a jump start on their journey!!

But people are creatures of habit and do so much better with ACCOUNTABILITY and some who will WALK THE JOURNEY WITH THEM.

Learn more about what financial coaching looks and how it can help YOU! 

as always if you are not already a part of my
 MOMS OF FAITH: DEBT FREE & BEYOND community- Join today!!

The Richest Man in Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon

“Our prosperity as a nation depends upon the personal financial prosperity of each of us as individuals, theorizes the opening lines of The Richest Man in Babylon


This line had such an impact on me that I wanted it to be the first thing 


Helping You Find Hope & Freedom

Helping You Find Hope & Freedom
When my children were still in diapers (they will be 15 and 17 this year 💔) my husband and I began facilitating Financial Peace University classes at church and in our home. We did this for other as  much as we did it for our own financial journey.

While leading these classes I fell in love talking to people about personal finance and walking with them as they begin to take control of their finances.  

I learned quickly that it is not JUST about the numbers. Walking with them as they took control of their finances was amazing, but watching them break free of fear & frustration, anger & sadness, and shame & regret as they did was the best part. They began replacing all that bad stuff with HOPE and FREEDOM.
It was many years ago that I first looked into becoming a certified financial coach through the Dave Ramsey organization, but at that time you had to travel to Tennessee for the week-long training. As a homeschooling mom of littles, the timing was not right for me to leave home for that long of a time.
Fast forward to 2020, ushering in the covid quarantine and a lot of time to think.. During these months I explored what I really wanted to do with the rest of my life, especially as both my children were teenagers. (they grow up so fast 😭) I decided it was time to take that step and finally get certified so that I could serve more families better! Having walked with with many people over the years I am excited to continue the journey and offer people more hope!

As a certified financial coach, I am blessed with the opportunity to encourage, educate, and empower people to take control of their finances and let go of all that bad stuff so they can find HOPE and FREEDOM!


Want to chat with me? Schedule your 1:1 COACHING SESSION WITH ME today!

Finding Your Financial Freedom

Finding Your Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is a goal. A goal I believe is attainable by everyone reading this. It will also look different for everyone because financial freedom is personal.

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